VMGA Educational Needs Survey

As more and more units are conducting high quality symposiums and workshops, it is not easy to understand what topics are most relevant. The VMGA Education Committee has designed a survey to improve the understanding for the Extension Master Gardener State Office, local units and VMGA.

At our VMGA meetings unit representatives share how they approach internal matters, and many take away new approaches.  As Virginia's residents become more experienced with web registration, credit card purchases and virtual programs, units may need training not anticipated just a few years ago.  At Master Gardener College and other venues, we have collected suggestions for topics.  We tried to touch on these areas within the survey design.

We are working with the Extension Master Gardener State Office to distribute the survey during the Summer of 2020. 

If you have any questions about this survey, contact the Chair of the Education Committee at Education@VMGA.net