Silent Auction

To donate an item, click HERE for an online form or HERE for a fillable PDF

To email the Silent Auction Committee, click here.

VMGA conducts the Silent Auction as a fundraising event for the State Coordinator Endowment. Held in conjunction with Master Gardener College in June of each year, the auction features plants, tools, garden art and items with a botanical theme. Items are donated by individuals, local associations/units and businesses. Bidding builds to a frenzy on Saturday, closing just before the Annual Meeting of VMGA.  Winning bidders take their items that evening, and funds received go into the Endowment account!

Around late April/early May, volunteer organizers begin to solicit auction items through VMGA and VCE channels. Plants always bring high bids – especially well-established ones, maybe different or new species and those of high quality. Many items with botanical themes are donated, along with garden art, horticultural books and tools.

VMGA welcomes volunteers to assist with the auction, either from their home unit to solicit items and prepare paperwork or at Master Gardener College to assist with set up and closing activities. The organizing committee is assembled in April. Sometimes the volunteers are all from one unit; sometimes it is Master Gardeners from several units working together. If you are interested, contact VMGA’s Fund Raising Chair.